Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf
Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf' title='Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf' />Automatic Room light Controller Person Counter. June, 2. 01. 36. 5 comments. Article. Project Cost 5,7. Dispatched in 3 Days. Notebook Hardware Control Professional Serial'>Notebook Hardware Control Professional Serial. Project Code 1. 10. Project Photographs Video Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter. Download Synopsis of the project. Description of the project Wastage of electricity is one of the main problems which we are facing now a days. In our home, school, colleges or industry we see that fanlights are kept on even if there are nobody in the room or areapassage. This happens due to negligence or because we forgot to turn lights off or when we are in hurry. To avoid all such situations we have designed this project called Automatic room light controller with visitor counter. This project has two modules, first one is known as Digital Visitor counter and the second module is known as Automatic room light controller. The main concept behind this project is known as Visitor counter which measures the number of persons entering in any room like seminar hall, conference room, classroom. This function is implemented using a pair of Infrared sensors. Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf' title='Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf' />LCD display placed outside the room displays this value of person count. This person count will be incremented if somebody enters in the room and at that time lights are turned on. And in a reverse way, person count will be decremented if somebody leaves the room. When the number of persons inside the room is zero, lights inside the room are turned off using a relay interface. In this way Relay does the operation of Automatic room light controller. Since this project uses 2 infrared sensors, it can be used as Bidirectional person counter as well. Block Diagram of the project You will get a CD with this project CD contains following things Project Report in pdf format and in word format. Circuit diagram. PCB layout. Microcontroller Program in assembly language. Hex file of the Microcontroller code. Datasheets of all the components ICs used in the project. Power point presentation PPT file. Description in detail This is one of the best sensor based projects for final year. And following are the important modules in this project 1. IR Transmitter We have implemented the Person counter module using 2 transmitters and 2 receivers. We have used Infra Red transmitters. The reason behind choosing IR LED is, infrared beams are not visible to human eyes and they are not easily triggered by other sources in the environment. Transmitters used are IR LEDs. IR Receiver We have used IR sensor as an Infrared receiver. It is an active low device, which means it gives low output when it receives the Infrared rays. Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf Viewer' title='Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf Viewer' />
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Last weeks violent, unhinged white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, which culminated in a terror attack which killed Heather Heyer and wounded. Local paralegal Heather Heyer died and dozens were injured after suspected member of neoNazi group Vanguard America ran over counterprotesters with his car, while. BA, B. A. Bachelor of Arts BA Berufsakademie BA Bosnien und HerzegowinaBosnia and Herzegovina ISO 3166 BA Bremsassistent Kfzmotor vehicle BA Bundesagentur. Brief Biosketch. Adele Diamond is the Canada Research Chair Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. So when the IR rays are interrupted by any person then Microcontroller will receive a high pulse from the IR receiver. Microcontroller This is the CPU central processing unit of our project. We have used 8. 9s. Microcontroller of 8. The various functions of Microcontroller are like I. Bidirectional Visitor counter section It is bidirectional because we have used 2 sensors on a single door. The microcontroller does the function of Reading the digital input from two infrared receivers and calculates the number of persons from them. II. Display Microcontroller sends the person count to LCD so that the person operating this project should read the number of persons inside the room. III. Automatic Room Light controller section Microcontroller turns on the Room Light when person count is greater than or equal to one. And turn off lights when the count is zero. This is done by Relay. Since relay is used, you can connect an AC bulb or DC bulb as per your requirement. We will provide a bulb holder to connect AC bulb. LCD Display We have used 1. Liquid Crystal Display LCD which means it can display alphabets along with numbers on 2 lines each containing 1. This display should be placed outside the room. It displays various messages like Person Counter Incremented, Person Counter Decremented, No of Person in Room XYZ here XYZ is the actual person count. Relay We have used 1. Since Microcontroller can not turn on relay directly, we have used a Relay driver circuit. This circuit consists of a transistor which is used to turn on relay through Microcontroller. We have used a SPDT relay. Description of the project Wastage of electricity is one of the main problems which we are facing nowadays. In our home, school, colleges or industry we see that. SPDT means Single Pole Double Throw relay. In this project we have provided 2 pin connector as an output of Relay. One of these 2 pins is connected to the Normally open terminal of the Relay which is also known as NO contact. Darlington pair It is used to increase the current gain. Output of 5. 55 IC is given to the Darlington circuit. And output of Darlington pair is given to IR led, thus it increases current through Infrared LEDs which helps in increasing the range of infra red rays emitted from IR LEDs. How to give demo of this project There are 2 transmitters and 2 receivers placed in front of each other. Swap any object like mobile or your fingers not single finger in front of those sensors. Then Microcontroller increments or decrements the counter. Project Report On Bidirectional Visitor Counter Pdf MergeOnce the count is non zero, the room light is turned on using relay. Now swap object in reverse direction then the system decrements the count. And room light is turned off once the count becomes zero. Enhancement added to this project We have added Light Dependent Resistor LDR in this project. Purpose of LDR Light sensor LDR will detect the sunlight in the room or we can say LDR is used to detect daytimeIf there is enough sunlight in the room which means it is a daytime then the relay will not be turned on even if the person count is greater than zero. In this mode it will work only as a Person counter to save the electricity and works as energy saver. And if there insufficient sunlight in the room then only the relay will be turned on so as to turn on the bulb. Applications of the project 1. Digital Visitor Counter can be used in various rooms like seminar hall, conference hall where the capacity of room is limited and should not be exceeded. Project will display actual number of persons inside the room. Virtualbreadboard Crack Full. Automatic Room light Controller with Visitor Counter can be used in class rooms, study rooms in colleges. Automatic Room light Controller project can also be used in our home because many times we come out of our bedroom or any other room and we forgot to turn off the room light. Bidirectional person counter project can be used in Cinema halls, multiplex, malls as well as in temples to count the number of person entering inside. So that these places should not get over crowded to avoid congestion. Advantages of the project 1. Main advantage of this project is that it helps in energy conservation. Because when there is nobody inside the room then lights are automatically turned off. Human efforts to count the number of person is eliminated. Since this project does the automatic person counting with the help of two sensors installed on door frame. Project Future Development 1. Voice alarm system can be added to indicate that room is full persons cant enter inside. We can increase the maximum number of persons that can be counted by implementing the external EEPROM IC. We can send this data to a remote location using mobile or internet. How to place these sensors on door Below is the diagrammatic representation on how the two sensors should be placed on the door frame.