Complex Instruction Set Computer Pdf

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RENESAS/H8SX1527.gif' alt='Complex Instruction Set Computer Pdf' title='Complex Instruction Set Computer Pdf' />Un processeur jeu dinstructions rduit en anglais Reduced instruction set computer ou RISC est un type particulier darchitecture matrielle de processeurs. The Free Dictionarynoun. QuotationsThe Answer to the Great Question. Of Life, the Universe and Everything. Is. Forty two Douglas Adams The Hitchhikers Guide to the GalaxyComputers. Computer parts  analogue digital converter, arithmetic logic unit or ALU, cartridge, case, CD rewriter, CD Rom drive, central processing unit or CPU, chip, coaxial cable, console, control key, counter, daisywheel, DDR RAM, digital audio player, digital camera, digitizer, DIMM, disk, disk drive, disk unit, DRAM, DVD reader, DVD writer, emulator, encoder, flatbed scanner, floppy disk, graphics card, hard drive, integrated circuit, interface, joystick, keyboard, laser printer, LCD panel, line printer, magnetic tape unit or MTU, memory, microprocessor, modem, monitor, motherboard, mouse, MP3 player, multiplexor, optical character reader, optical disk, optical scanner, port, printed circuit board, printer, processor, scanner, screen, SDRAM, SIMM, sound card, speaker, trackball, transistor, USB port, visual display unit or VDU, webcam. Computer terms  3. D graphics, absolute address, access, access time, address, address bus, ADSL, algorithm, alpha test, analogue computer, AND gate, applet, application program, architecture, archival storage, area, array, artificial intelligence or AI, ASCII, assemble, assembler, assembly language, audio response, automatic repeat, backbone, backing store, backup, bandwidth, base address, batch processing, beta test, binary notation, bit or binary digit, black box, Bluetooth, bomb, boot or bootstrap, bottom up processing, bpi bits per inch, branch instruction, broadband, buffer, bug, bulletin board, bundle, bus or busbar, bus master, byte, cache memory, capture, CD Rom, character, chipset, clip art, clock, code, COM, command, command language, communications, compatible, compiler, complex instruction set computer or CISC, computer aided design or CAD, computer aided design and manufacture or CADCAM, computer aided engineering or CAE, computer aided instruction or CAI, computer aided or assisted learning or CAL, computer aided management or CAM, computer aided manufacture or CAM, computer aided teaching or CAT, computer aided trading or CAT, computerate, computer based training or CBT, computer conferencing, computer graphics, computer input on microfilm or CIM, computer integrated manufacture or CIM, computerize, computer science, computer typesetting, concordance, concurrent processing, condition codes, configuration, constant, control commands, cookie, core memory, co routine, corrupt, crash, cross assembler, cursor, cut and paste, cybercaf, cyberpunk, cyberspace, cycle, DAC, data, data bank, database, database management, databus, data capture, dataflow architecture, data processing, data protection, data structure, Datel trademark, debugging, decision support system, decision table, default, desktop, desktop publishing or DTP, development system, device, digit, digital computer, digital fount, digital imaging, digital mapping, digital watermark, digitize, direct access or random access storage, direct memory access or DMA, directory, disassembler, distributed array processor, distributed logic, dithering, document, document reader, DOS or disk operating system trademark, dot matrix, download, downsize, down time, dumb terminal, dump, dpi or dots per inch, driver, dump, duplex, EBCDIC or extended binary coded decimal interchange code, echo, ecommerce, edit, editor, EEPROM, electronic flight information systems, electronic mail or E mail, electronic office, electronic publishing, emulator, encryption, error message, escape routine, exclusive OR circuit, exit, expansion slot, expert system, extranet, fail safe, field, fifth generation, file, file manager, filename, firewall, Fire. Wire, firmware, flag, flops or floating point operations per second, flowchart, freeware, front end processor, FTP or file transfer protocol, function, function key, fuzzy, gate, gateway, gif, giga, gigabyte, global search, graphical user interface, graphics, hacker, hand held computer, handshake, hard card, hard copy, hardware, hard wired, help screens, hexadecimal notation, high level language, host, hot key, housekeeping, HTML, hybrid computer, hypermedia, hypertext, icon, idle time, image enhancement, incremental plotter, incremental recorder, infect, information technology, initialize, input, input device, inputoutput or IO, install, instruction, intelligent knowledge based system or IKBS, intelligent terminal, interactive, interactive video, Internet, interpreter, interrupt, intranet, ISDN, job, jpeg, key in, keyword, kilo, kilobyte, LAN, language, lapheld, laptop, legacy, linked list, liveware, load, location, local area network, logic bomb, logic circuit, logic programming, login, log in, log out, loop, low level language, machine code, machine learning, machine readable, machine translation, macro, magnetic bubble, mail bombing, mainframe, main memory, manager, mega, megabyte, memory mapping, menu, menu driven, microcomputer, microprocessor, midi, minicomputer, mobile device, module, morphing, MP3, mpeg, multiaccess, multiprogramming, multi threaded, multi user, NAND circuit or gate, network, neurocomputer or neural computer, node, NOR gate, notebook computer, NOT gate, object program, OEM or original equipment manufacturer, offline, online, open, operating system, optimize, OR gate, output, overflow, package, packet, packet switching, palette, palmtop computer, parallel processing, parameter, parity check, parser, password, patch, patch board, PC or personal computer, PDA, pdf, personal computer or PC, pixel, platform, plug compatible, pointer, polymorphic function, portable, power down, power up, printout, procedure, process, program, program generator, programmable read only memory or PROM, programmer, programming language, program statement, prompt, protocol, query language, queue, queuing theory, random access memory or RAM, Random Instruction Set Computer or RISC, read in, read out, read only memory or ROM, real time processing, reboot, record, remote access, rerun, reserved word, reset, restricted users group, retrieval, RISC or reduced instruction set computer, robustness, routine, run, run time, screensaver, scroll, SCSI or Small Computer Systems Interface, search engine, sense, sequential access, serial access memory or SAM, serial processing, server, SGML, shareware, shell program, skinning, smart card, software, software engineering, sort, source document, source program, speech recognition, spreadsheet, sprite, stack, statement, storage capacity, storage device, store, store and forward, string, subroutine, supercomputer, SWITCH, syntax, system, systems analysis, systems disk, teleprocessing, telesoftware, terabyte, terminal, tetrabyte, text processing, throughput, time out, time sharing, toggle, top down processing, topology, transcribe, translator, transputer, tristate, turnkey system, underflow, UNIX trademark, uptime, USB, user defined key, user group, utility, vaccine, variable, virtual address, virtual memory, virtual reality, virtual storage, virus, visual programming, voice input, voice recognition, voice response, volatile memory, WAN, WAP, warez, webcasting, web development, wild card, window, windows icons menus pointers or WIMP, wizard, word, word processor, work station, World Wide Web, worm, WYSIWIG, XMLComputer scientists  Ada, Countess of Lovelace British, Howard Aiken U. 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