Beech T-34 Serial Numbers

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Beech T-34 Serial Numbers' title='Beech T-34 Serial Numbers' />Beechcraft C 1. Huron Wikipedia. The Beechcraft C 1. Huron is the military designation for a series of twin engine turboprop aircraft based on the Beechcraft Super King Air and Beechcraft 1. C 1. 2 variants are used by the United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. These aircraft are used for various duties, including embassy support, medical evacuation, as well as passenger and light cargo transport. Some aircraft are modified with surveillance systems for various missions, including the Cefly Lancer, RC 1. Guardrail and Project Liberty programs. Design and developmenteditThe first C 1. JMSDF Role Digits. Army. Aircraft of the Japanese Ground Self Defense Force JGSDF carry a five digit serial numbers on the nose and the last four digits preceded by. The attached letter requesting a Model Series Designator for the CX Aircraft is forwarded for consideration and approval. We do not recommend assignment of C. Welcome to the 2012. Welcome to the 4th annual Warbirds Over the Beach. If you have followed the growth and development of the Military Aviation Museum over the past. A models entered service with the U. S. Army in 1. 97. The aircraft was essentially an off the shelf Super King Air 2. Pratt Whitney Canada PT6. A 4. 1 engines. 1The U. S. Navy followed suit in 1. Super King Air A2. C modified with a 5. Super King Air 2. C, designating it the UC 1. B, for logistics support between Naval and Marine Corps air stations, air facilities, and other activities, both in CONUS and overseas. The cabin can readily accommodate cargo, passengers or both. It is also equipped to accept litter patients in medical evacuation missions. Through 1. 98. 2, the Navy ordered 6. A U. S. Air Force variant of the plane for surveillance roles primarily over Afghanistan and Iraq was the MC 1. W Liberty. For that variant, Beechcraft built the basic plane and then sent it to Greenville, Texas where sophisticated intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance ISR equipment was installed by L 3 Communications Missions Integration. As of 2. Liberty program had exceeded 3. The MC 1. 2W was rushed into combat as a supplemental surveillance and signals intelligence asset since its first combat mission on 1. June 2. 00. 9, the aircraft flew 4. With its roles taken over by the growing MQ 9 Reaper fleet, the Air Force decided to divest itself of the 4. Liberty aircraft and turn them over to the U. S. Army and U. S. Special Operations Command, which was completed by October 2. The Air Forces final MC 1. W deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom ended on 1. October 2. 01. 5. To meet the needs of transporting larger groups, the U. S. Army purchased six C 1. J aircraft, based on the Beechcraft 1. C commuter airliner. One of the military C 1. Js is used for GPSjamming tests at the 5. Flight Test Squadron, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Another is based at the 5. Airlift Squadron, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Three were based at the 5. Airlift Flight, Osan Air Base, South Korea. They have been relocated to the 4. Airlift Squadron, Yokota Air Base, Japan. The remaining two are used by U. S. Army Aviation. The TC 1. B Huron was a twin engine, pressurised version of the Beechcraft super king air 2. Twenty five served with the US navy with training Squadron 3. VT 3. 5 The US navys only TC 1. B Huron squadron based out of Naval air station Corpus Christi Texas, home of the Training air wing 4 TAW 4. The US navy retired this aircraft on the 1. May 2. 01. 7 and replaced and now relies on the T 4. C for multi engine training. Although the UD series 1. United States military and other military and government organizations use 1. UB series 1. 90. C, and 1. Ds which may be found elsewhere. VariantseditKing Air 2. C 1. 2AUsed by the U. S. Army for liaison and attache transport. Based on the King Air A2. BC 1 through BC 6. BD 1 and up. UC 1. BU. S. NavyU. S. Marine Corps version with an additional cargo door. Based on the King Air A2. C serial numbers BJ 1 and up. NC 1. 2BU. S. Navy single aircraft version, UC 1. B Bu. No 1. 61. 31. P 3. C type Sonobuoy launchers. TC 1. 2BU. S. Navy training version developed by conversion of UC 1. B airframes. C 1. CU. S. Army and U. S. Air Force version of the C 1. A with upgraded engines. Based on the King Air A2. BC 6. 2 and up. C 1. DU. S. Army and U. S. Air Force version. Based on the King Air A2. CT, changes include larger cargo door, high flotation landing gear a Beechcraft option for larger main landing gear wheels for use on unimproved runways serial numbers BP 1, BP 2. BP 2. 4 through BP 5. RC 1. 2DSpecial mission, SIGINT aircraft for the U. S. Army. UC 1. 2DBased on the King Air A2. CT serial numbers BP 7 though BP 1. C 1. 2EUpgraded C 1. A aircraft for the USAF. C 1. 2As were retro fitted with two Pratt Whitney Canada PT6. A 4. 2 turboprop engines. C 1. 2FU. S. Air Force transport version. Based on the King Air A2. CF serial numbers BP 5. BP 6. 3 and the King Air B2. C serial numbers BP 6. RC 1. 2FU. S. Navy version of the UC 1. F modified with surface search radar. UC 1. 2FU. S. Navy version based on the King Air B2. C serial number BU 1 and up, BV 1 and up, BW 1 and up. Cockpit upgraded to Proline 2. RC 1. 2GU. S. Army version used for real time tactical intelligence support under the Crazyhorse program. Based on the King Air A2. CT three aircraft, serial numbers FC 1 and up. Previously operated by U. S. Army Reserve aviation units. RC 1. 2HSpecial mission, battlefield SIGINT aircraft for the U. S. Army. C 1. 2LThree A2. Cefly Lancer program as RU 2. Js. In 1. 98. 4 the three aircraft modified with new VIP interiors, and returned to the U. S. Army as C 1. 2Ls. UC 1. 2MU. S. Navy version. Cockpit upgraded to Proline 2. RC 1. 2MU. S. Navy version. Upgraded cockpit instrumentation, plus other systems and structural upgrades. C 1. 2ROff the shelf BE2. EFISglass cockpit instrumentation. C 1. 2TUpgrade of earlier U. S. Army C 1. 2F versions with improved cockpit instrumentation. C 1. 2UUpgrade of U. S. Army C 1. 2T versions with improved cockpit instrumentation in order to meet global air traffic management directives. RU 2. 1JSpecial mission, battlefield ELINT aircraft. Three A2. 00s were brought by the U. S. Army for use in the Cefly Lancer program in the early 1. C 1. 2VUpgraded C 1. R with Proline 2. Financial Performance Project Report Pdf on this page. FMSKing Air 3. 00 based variantseditMARSSMULTI INT ISR platform. The MARSS provides the commander with a multi intelligence collection capability to accurately detect, identify, and report threat targets in near real time. IMINT, COMINT and ELINT intercept capability. As of June 2. 01. MARSS were created from outfitted Beechcraft King Air B 3. King Air 3. 50 based variantseditC 1. SU. S. Army version based on the King Air 3. MC 1. 2W Liberty. USAF version modified for the Intelligence, Surveillance Reconnaissance ISR role 8 King Air 3. King Air 3. 50. ERs. In service since June 2. Iraq and Afghanistan. Currently being transferred to US Army. UC 1. 2WU. S. Navy version based on the King Air 3. EMARSSU. S. Army nomenclature for the modified MC 1. W Liberty aircraft. EMARSSBeechcraft 1. A U. S. Air Force Beech C 1. J Huron lands at Yokota Air Base, Japan, on 2. June 2. 00. 7. C 1. JUsed by the U. S. Air Forces Pacific Air Forces, and Air Force Materiel Command. It carries 2 crew and 1. The C 1. 2J is based on the Beechcraft 1. C and carries the serials UD 1 through UD 6. The Air Force currently operates only 4 C 1. Js. 3 are operated by the 4. Airlift Squadron at Yokota Air Base, Japan and 1 by the Air Force Materiel Command from Holloman AFB, New Mexico. The Army has C 1. Js in use. Special Military VariantseditThe following RC 1. RC 1. 2s based on the KA 2. PT6. A 6. 7 and structural upgrades swapping the traditional KA 2. T Tail for the 1.